
Showing posts from August, 2016

Colgate Daily Repair + $250 Fairmont Giveaway!

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Colgate Total* Advanced Health* Daily Repair. I have a confession to make. So what’s the one thing I slack on? Brushing my teeth before bed! Honest to goodness, there are times when I am SO tired that I fall face first into my pillow and into snoozeland. I wish I could be more consistent about it just so I could rock my nighttime routine and help prevent cavities. The weird thing is that I am beyond diligent about flossing and I do it daily. My whole day feels off if I don’t floss in the morning. So I made a promise to myself to take better care of my smile. Having healthy teeth is important to me, which is why I reach for Colgate Total* Advanced Health* Daily Repair to keep my smile looking fresh. It contains a multi-active formula that helps repair early teeth and gum damage, which gives me one less thing to worry about when I make my twice-a-year trip to the dentist. The formula works to remineralize weakened enamel and fig...

An Olympic Happy Hour at Lechon – Portland

Got Olympic fever but no cable? Never fear! Lechon , a South American restaurant in Portland has already thought of solving this for you. Executive Chef Jaco Smith will be serving up a very special “What the Chef is Eating” Brazilian-inspired happy hour tapas menu. This chic little restaurant is located right across the street from Portland’s gorgeous waterfront and is a great place to stop after a bike ride or walk along the water. There’s also a small patio outside that looked to be dog-friendly as well! Here’s what I sampled: Shrimp Ceviche with Pineapple  (above) is the perfect way to cool off on a hot summer day. Especially when paired with one of their cocktail specials. I love the sweet pineapple paired with the savoury shrimp and a bit of foam on top for flavour. It was beautifully presented. Beef Tartare in an edible cone – perfectly bite-sized! Peach + Cucumber Salad Corn + Cheese Empanadas  (top left). Beef Brisket Empanadas  (bottom right). ...

Shopping | Gyönyörű Canmake kozmetikumok Japánból

Sziasztok! Már egy pár hete nálam vannak bizonyos kozmetikumok,  amiket idő és egyéb dolog hiányában még nem tudtam nektek megmutatni itt az oldalon. :) Már pár éve nagy lelkesedéssel nézem az újabb CANMAKE kozmetikumokat, mert mind színben, mind csomagolásban abszolút az én ízlésemnek felel meg. A csomagolása élőben sokkal szebben mutat, mint a neten lévő nyers termékfotókon. Ezt próbáltam meg nektek a saját fotóimmal szemléltetni, remélem sikerrel. :)  A termékekről használatuk közben is hamarosan érkezik külön külön bejegyzés, de érthető módon még tesztelgetem őket, hogy valós következtetéseket tudjak levonni.  A termékeket egyébként nem interneten rendeltem, hanem Diától, a Hungarian Gyaru Circle facebook csoport egyik tagjától, aki ismeretség nélkül is felajánlotta a segítségét, és Japánban megvásárolta nekem ezeket a termékeket. Habár már megköszöntem neki személyesen is, azért itt is megemlíteném a nevét, és itt is szeretném kifejezni a hálámat. :) <3...

My Dining Room Refresh

Our dining room needed a refresh. Paul and I currently renting a very open-concept loft style apartment in Portland, Oregon. Since it’s a rental, I want it to feel cozy – but I don’t want to overdo it since I’m not sure how long we will be living in this specific unit. It’s really easy to fill up a space with knick-knacks and big pieces of furniture, but if we ever downgrade into a smaller place – we’ll be stuck with a bunch of extra furniture. Which brings me to our dining room refresh project! So how can you decorate efficiently, cheaply and still fill up a big space? We brought all of our furniture from LA and the only new items I bought was this floor lamp ($80) + this area rug ($200). Our loft doesn’t have a lot of overhead lighting and Portland can be gloomy, so we spread out our lamps as best as possible. However this corner looked a little dark so we brightened it up with a bit with the new lamp. This sideboard ($300) and does wonders for providing extra storage for...

The Ninja Coffee Bar Review + Giveaway!

Need a new coffee maker? I was recently sent a Ninja Coffee Bar to review for This Beautiful Day and I’m actually surprised how much I am using it. Here’s what I liked and disliked about it: The Water Reservoir I like that this is removable and I can bring it over to the sink to fill-up as opposed to getting out a clean measuring cup to pour water into the coffee maker. I can fill it up with fresh water every time and just add enough to the suggested fill lines. The Brew Basket + Measuring Spoon I don’t use the filter it came with as I like my coffee to pass through a paper filter to take away a bit of the oiliness to it. The Ninja Coffee Bar comes with a double-sided coffee scoop spoon and tells you how much coffee to add depending on the size of what you’re brewing. I like the measuring spoon and have used it a bunch. Cup, Travel Mug or Carafe? The biggest edge that the Ninja Coffee Bar has over a single-serve or traditional coffee machine is that it’s a 2 in 1! Meaning ...

Blogger Introduced Sitemaps For "Static Pages"

Blogger blogs have a sitemap.xml file which contains link-list of all " Posts " published by a user. But what it lacked was the list of " Static pages " which this sitemap file did not include. These pages also don't appear in the sitemap generated at atom.xml or rss.xml and there is no way to publish a file on blogger. Just recently I observed that blogger now auto generates a separate dynamic sitemap for blog pages which contains list of all static pages published so far. The sitemap for blogspot static pages is located at  /sitemap-pages.xml . You can now easily submit your pages to search engines to properly get them crawled and indexed. Where is your Static Pages Sitemap Located? You can access your pages sitemap by typing the following URL in your browser's address bar: For Default Blogspot Domains: http:// Your-Domain sitemap-pages.xml For Custom Domains: http://www. Your-Domain .com/ sitemap-pages.xml Replace Your-Domain ...