Introducing "Jumbo Share Counters" Plugin
Did you ever wish to show off your share counts and encourage more sharing on your websites and blogs? Now you can do both with our Free Jumbo Share Counters (JSC) which is a PHP driven free social sharing plugin with free cloud hosting and stats reporting to help you track likes, shares and tweets in realtime! You can integrate it easily in WordPress, Blogspot and even inside your static HTML5 webpages. JSC is inspired from AddThis Pro's Jumbo Share Counter and Mashable-style share counters. Amazingly our sharing buttons are absolutely free of cost with no $10/month hosting fee or credits links ! Lets redraw the slow-loading official social media sharing buttons in a unique custom way. =) Demo: Check the left and bottom of this blog post. Over the recent two years web design trends have taken a whole new shape. Publishers today prefer big buttons, large photos, and lightweight share counters. I know most of you are tired of slow performing social sharing plugins such as Fac...